Facebook Ads
Believe it or not, Facebook remains the pinnacle of social media, with roughly 3 billion active monthly users. Also taking the shine out of platforms like LinkedIn and TikTok.
From Gen Z, to Millennials, to Boomers - everyone uses Facebook. But they’re not just looking for old friends and sharing vacation pics, they’re also logging on to inform their buying decisions. In fact, customers are more likely to purchase from a brand they follow on Facebook than on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit and Snapchat combined!

With its immense audience and extensive influence, Facebook isn’t just the most loud and cost-effective marketing platform ever created. It’s a must-have for any brand wishing to boost brand awareness, increase traffic, stimulate lead generation, and improve its revenue-driving efforts across the board.

No matter if it’s your first endeavor, or you’re unhappy with your current campaign, our digital marketing agency will guide you through all the steps. We will do our best to implement a creative strategy calculated to optimize every one of your Facebook advertising dollars and deliver the best possible return on your investment.
The Background of Facebook Advertising:
How It Works
Owning some of the most advanced targeting algorithms on the Internet and a varied array of ad types, Facebook puts you and your company in charge. You’re not entirely hoping consumers find your business. You’re targeting the specific customers most likely to look into your products or services by tapping into the wealth of data Facebook has gathered about its users.

And take our word on it, Facebook knows a lot about its users.

With an endless array of custom audience parameters — including age, gender, location, interests, occupation, behaviors and languages — at your disposal, your business can create a remarkably thorough profile of your best audience. You can even upload existing consumer data and let Facebook make a "Lookalike Audience" based on the exact parameters you set.

Facebook allows a business of any size to gain its hoped for consumer base with a single, well-thought-out, and well-placed ad. And with a Cost Per thousand of Impressions (CPM) of just $ 13 throughout all industries, it remains one of the most cos-effective online or offline forms of advertising.

Above all, the results of each Facebook advertising campaign are 100% measurable. With just one conversion pixel on your website, you’ve suddenly gained access to a huge amount of quality data that will help your brand optimized ads, set up a targeted audience for future campaigns and remarket to customers who’ve already interacted with your site.
Boost your Facebook Advertising,
and Surpass Your Competitors
Facebook Ad Manager is remarkably intuitive, and you won’t need a degree in rocket science to get a campaign up and running. But here’s one thing, the Facebook marketing arena is also densely crowded — all of your competitors are there. And it keeps growing more competitive on a daily basis.

Before they reach out to us, lots of our clients were lost in that crowd, running ineffective, sometimes even toxic campaigns that took their advertising money while delivering little more than the occasional sale.

Sadly, their experience isn’t that unusual. Whether it’s because of poorly designed and dull ads, confusing landing pages, or ineffective product pages, far too many Facebook advertising campaigns are merely missing the mark.

So how can we help? By going right in and finding out all there is to know about your brand. We will also analyze from your customer’s view point and brainstorm ways to elevate the user experience while pushing more and more conversions.

We strongly believe in a holistic social media strategy, with Facebook marketing as the foundation. At Ezca, we create powerful campaigns that resonate with consumers, track performance and continuously optimize to keep our clients head-and-shoulders above the pack — using the platform’s the most advanced tools. These include A/B split testing, remarketing, lookalike audience and conversion pixels.
An Entrepreneur’s Mentality Translates to Remarkable Results for Your Business
Entrepreneur’s Perspective to Elevate
Your Bing Ads
Like most paid social, Facebook advertising gives your business an opportunity to spend a little and get more in return. But without tested marketing experience, it’s difficult to leverage everything Facebook has to offer and thrive in this dynamic and progressively competitive landscape.

The thing is, it’s a job that’s way too big for just one person.

As entrepreneurs, we’ve each started and sold several companies before getting together at Ezca. We’re fascinating with Facebook because we all know too well the damage a poorly conceptualized advertising strategy can do. And we have absolutely no patience for the traditional approaches to digital marketing that have allowed these ineffective, pointless campaigns to flood the platform.

We take our work personally and treat each client’s company as we would our own. We know every marketing dollar counts and become frustrated with ads that fail to get clicks, overspending and low conversion rates.

Because we’re able to put together the powers of our minds with collective experience navigating the Facebook advertising space, the results we provide for our clients are nothing short of remarkable — if we do say so ourselves.

After lots of experimentation, we’ve unraveled how to utilize Facebook advertising in long-run, scalable growth. If you’re willing to put our knowledge to work, we’d love to talk and learn more about your business.
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